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Online Excel Charts and Formatting

- Mrs Harshal Varkhedkar
Why Excel? 
MS Excel allows to organize, manipulate, analyse and manage data which in turn helps in decision making. It increases efficiency and effectiveness in the work. Excel helps in creating powerful visual aids like charts, tables. Excel helps in generating useful reports.
One should know Excel not just to generate reports or to work on Excel, but also to understand capabilities of this tool and understand the information given by Excel.
People who are looking for job change (Excel is a functional tool required for all departments), people who want to start their career afresh (Excel provides solid foundation in analysis, reporting tool), people who are already working on Excel can attend this workshop to polish their skills.
	Organizing beyond simple formats- Conditional formatting
o	Formatting based on the values
o	Color code values as per requirement
o	Editing conditional formatting rules

	Advanced chart techniques
o	Using chart templates
o	Using trend lines on the charts
o	Changing the chart types
o	Labeling the chart
Date: 05-June-2020

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